Since I am getting more and more serious about my profession, my diploma is a step away, but then it comes the time to get something out of my training,education and earn something already. You know, start a life out of it.
So, as I am interested in many different fields of thins industry, I searched and gathered new informations going on from the lenses, cameras and light world to the stylist world.
And I realized there is much to be learned.
It's time to expand my number of equipment and this time I know exactly what I need (it was about time).
As far as it goes for styling part, well, I didn't know a lot of it ether, I mean I probably heard of it of course, but didn't know how for example, how important was your skin tone for clothing and make-up, I mean, when I look at a person, taking in consideration her personal style, I just imagine what would fit her the best, always thinking of her hair and eyes color of course, but not in that "professional" kind of way I've red about.
Then, the list of fabrics and what each fabric gives you is also very important and necessary to know.
It's like you know things, but once you go on reading words coming out professional's mouth, you kind of get the feeling that you are not quite there yet.
But oh well, I think those words are to be taken in consideration, and know as many informations as possible, so that when the time comes for some job applying or a simple conversation, you will definitely remember those things, might be handy after all.
So, about skin tones. I did notice that in some colors I do look fresh and better than in the others, and that some colors are just not for me, not cause I would be picky or whatsoever, I love all colors, but they simply don't fit.
And this time I learned a lil something about the skin tones.
And remember, skin tones does not mean color of your skin, that is different and for that we have the Fitzpatrick skin typing test who is still used as a tool in dermatology research in the skin color.
They can also be classified with the names of the season, like summer and winter which are two types of cool tones, and spring and autumn which are two types of warmer skin tones.
So, I am gonna share with you a few scathes I found who will explain perfectly all you need to know about using the right colors according to your skin tone.
Colors that go with almost every skin tone are bright red, pale pink, eggplant and teal.
Here you have a quiz who can help you figure your skin tone. There also a trick with the gold and silver surface. You place one hand next to the gold one and other one to the silver one. On a cool skin tone, the white metal (silver) will be flattering, while the yellow metal (gold) will clash. On a warm skin tone, the gold will be the more flattering of the two.
Another funny information I must share with you guys - funny fashion laws from around the world (p.s. probably made in the 18th or 19th century, cause this couldn't possibly apply in todays world).
There are all sorts of funny rules, such as in Victoria, Australia, women are not allowed to wear hot pink pants after midday on Sundays or In Thailand, a law says that you may not leave your house without wearing underwear. How do they know? (good question)
There are all sorts of funny rules, such as in Victoria, Australia, women are not allowed to wear hot pink pants after midday on Sundays or In Thailand, a law says that you may not leave your house without wearing underwear. How do they know? (good question)
Do you think one knew all of these silly rules?! Ha-ha.
If you want to entertain yourself, reed more about it by clicking on this link.
Later I also came across some interesting fashion facts, like about the meaning of the word vintage. People tend to use that terminology quite often, including myself, but the fact is that a clothing item is considered vintage if it dates from 1920 to 1960. After that date, an item is considered to be retro, not vintage.
Or that the medieval clothing was cut geometrically to avoid wasted fabric, the patterns were made up of triangles and rectangles or that men were the first to wear jewelry as a status symbol. I mean, I knew it was a status symbol, but not that men initiated it.
Read the rest of it here by clicking on this LINK.
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